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Teeth Filling in Kolkata

Keeping Your  Teeth Healthy

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When does one need Dental Teeth Fillings?

There are various signs and symptoms where teeth fillings can be required. The symptoms could be as below:

  • A hole in your tooth
  • Dark spots on the tooth
  • Teeth
  • Chipped or broken tooth
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold food and beverage
  • Single or multiple cavities
  • If you come across any of the symptoms mentioned above, then there is a chance that you need a filling. The final decision will be of your dentist after a thorough oral examination.

Types of Dental Teeth Fillings

Metal Filling:

This type of filling is known for its long-lasting qualities. Silver fillings are a less expensive option, but gold fillings are a preferred choice due to their ability to withstand chewing forces and their longevity, which can be up to 10-15 years. While gold is more expensive, it may be a good investment in the long run.

Amalgam Filling:

Dental professionals have been using these materials for a long time because they are well-researched and widely available. They are made up of a combination of metals, which gives them high strength.

Composite Filling:

These fillings are the same color as your teeth and are therefore preferred if you do not want your filling to be visible. They are especially suitable for front teeth because they blend as well with the tooth structure. These fillings can also be used to repair a chipped tooth, but they may not last as long as metal or amalgam fillings and can wear off over time. 

Porcelain / Ceramic Filling:

Porcelain fillings are a good option if you have significant concerns about the appearance of your teeth. They can cover a large portion of the tooth and are often used when the decay is extensive. Porcelain fillings are durable and do not easily stain or wear away.

FAQs About Dental Teeth Filling:

The lifespan of a dental filling depends on the material it is made from and how well it is cared for. Fillings can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. Proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits can help extend the life of your filling.

Yes, but the chances are rare.

Visit your dentist as soon as your Dental Filling comes out.

If you experience sensitivity after getting a filling, it could be a sign that the filling is coming loose. Similarly, if you feel pressure while eating or have a persistent toothache, it may be a sign that the filling is not properly in place and may come out. In either case, it is important to contact your dentist for an evaluation and repair if necessary.

Aftercare of teeth filling treatment:

It is important to avoid certain foods and beverages to maintain teeth whitening so they don’t stain your teeth. Some drinks, such as tea, coffee, red wine, and cola, can cause stains, so you need to stay away from them. For 24 hours after dental teeth filling treatment:-

  • Avoid any food/drinks that would cause stains on teeth.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Avoid mouthwash.
  • Use an anti-sensitive toothpaste if you feel teeth sensitivity after the procedure.
  • Do touch-ups or booster sessions to preserve the brightness of the treatment.
  • Don’t use products like tooth-whitening pastes, strips, gels, pens, or any other home remedy to whiten your teeth. It may hurt your teeth and gums.